Sun Bird

Sun Bird

This is an eloquent piece which strikes at the french sunlight and cockerel analogy but with the many stars, sea horses are perhaps more about the duration of time than the spritely colours. The finely drawn sun rays and flush drawn feathers are the peaks of the day.

Artist: P. Dove
Stained Glass
Size 44 cm x 44 cm

Sun BirdScale
Be seen through, tell us a story, colour our imagination, telling us there is a meaning in imagery.

Perched centre the bird, picking beak nibbling at something beyond the scene. The sun communicating its rays and thoughts of clarity, the sign of heat implied as mischief; our knowledge of lightened and enlightened is seeing through, our sign or signifers; let us relax in the knowledge of the Byzantine and medieval churches and their stained glass windows. This appears a communique, a watcher of time, an addition to the cycles of nature as observed by the artisan. Skill and method are inferred yet with the stated simplicity and complexity that such a work bides is here evident as a paradox.
Written by E. Waller (07/09/10) [top and bottom]
SunbirdTA:00325 £30.00 £335.00
Stained Glass 44 cm x 44 cm Artist: P. Dove

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