C1K: Marak Undro (Oxford Brookes Show 2010)

The lifting of spirit and the unwakening of consciousness in an Art environment is something you seem to be looking into. The might of working, creating, manifesting, the feeling that there is a Creative Force, unknown to some but ready for others. (including yourself).

There is a cherishing of mark making, the medium divulging secrets of layering and intent to put across the nature of painting. Beholden to toxicity or indeed self-indulgence of paint over matter. You stand to weigh in overweight, expectant of the majesty of self-criticism. Very Masculine and beholden to your nature, You appear to have work with your very being in mind.

I congratulate you for the hardness, that come of participation in a difficult terrain... The Art work taking part of personality and awareness to the medium.

Let us hope the message learnt will continue throughout your career.

C1K: Marak Undro (Oxford Brookes Show 2010)Scale
Artist: Marak UndroTA001811 £0.00

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