Lijiang smiles:
My two years in China culminated in a trip through
Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. In Yunnan, the famous Lijiang
home to the Naxi minority is a tourist haven, but also a stunning
example of theChinese heritage and scenery. I met this woodcutter
outside his one room house and chatted with him briefly. Though
his local accent was strong, we could still converse in Mandarin and
pleasure at finding a Laowai (foreigner) who could speak
Chinese brought this broad grin to his face. He was very happy for
me to
take some photos and invited me into his house for dinner. The
50mm f/1.8 prime lens is
very simple, but wonderful for portraiture, giving
the very shallow
depth of focus.
Artist: J. Shock
Colour Photograph
Size 21 cm x 19 cm